The following page(s) have become unresponsive.” error message on Google Chrome

This article will help you fix the following Google Chrome browser error message that you keep on encountering on your computer:
The following page(s) have become unresponsive. You can wait for them to become responsive or kill them.”
 This error message is caused by a number of possible reasons including the following:
  • Flash Player or Java crashed
  • Website contains too many pictures and videos that the browser couldn’t accomodate
  • Malware infection on your computer
  • Incompatible or malfunctioning extension
  • Outdated Google Chrome browser version
To resolve this issue, do any of the following:

Adding commands in Google Chrome shortcut:

  1. Right-click the Google Chrome icon on your desktop, then click Properties.
  2. Append the following in the target field: “--no-sandbox” and “--in-process-plugins“.
  3. Hit Apply, then click OK.

Uncheck all compatibility options:

  1. Right-click the Google Chrome icon on your desktop, then click Properties.
  2. Go to the Compatibility tab, uncheck all available tick box.
  3. Hit Apply, then click OK.
  4. Close the browser and try again.


Restart the computer:

A quick restart of the computer can fix the issue if the cause is the overuse of the Google Chrome browser. Try using the browser again after the restart.

Update the browser to the latest version:

Go to chrome://chrome/ to check for updates. The browser should automatically install the updates and it will ask you to relaunch the browser.

Disable Extensions:

Go to chrome://extensions/, then disable all of the available extensions. To disable extension, untick the box beside Enable.

Clear browsing history:

  1. Go to chrome://history/, then click Clear browsing history.
  2. Click Clear browsing history again to continue.
  3. Restart Google Chrome.

Disable any antivirus software:

If you have an antivirus software installed, refer to your manufacturer on how to temporarily disable the security program to perform incompatibility test.
Note: You can also perform a full system scan before disabling the security software.

Use Chrome cleanup tool:

Download and install the Chrome cleanup tool and scan your computer for any software that are known to cause problems to your Google Chrome browser. You can get it here:

Reinstall Google Chrome:

Download and install the latest version of Google Chrome from



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