Fix webpages opening slowly or not loading in Google chrome


Fix webpages opening slowly or not loading

If the webpage you want to view in Chrome is loading slowly or won't open at all, try restarting Chrome. If multiple webpages aren't loading, or Chrome keeps crashing, learn how to repair Chrome if it crashes or won't open.

First: Restart Chrome

Sometimes, Chrome might be trying to do too much, causing webpages to load slowly.
  1. Close Chrome and reopen it:
    • Windows: Press Ctrl+Q.
    • Mac: Press Command+Q.
  2. Try loading the webpage again.
Tip: If you're on a computer, you can also reopen any tabs that were open before:
  • Windows: Press Ctrl+Shift+T.
  • Mac: Press Command+Shift+T.

Next: Troubleshoot page loading problems

If restarting Chrome didn't fix it, try the steps below to solve the problem.

See if the issue is with Chrome or the webpage:

To figure out whether this is a problem with the webpage or with Chrome, try opening the webpage in another browser. For example, try using Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari to load the webpage.

If the page loads correctly in another browser

If the webpage successfully loads in another browser, try the steps below to fix the issue in Chrome:
  1. Try closing Chrome tabs. Your computer might not have enough memory available to load the site. Computers rely on memory to run apps, extensions, and programs. Low memory can cause them to run slowly or stop working.

    Close every tab except for the one you're trying to load, then try reloading that tab.
  2. Clear your cache and cookies. Chrome might have information stored about the site or your information that's stopping the webpage from loading fully.

    Try clearing your cache and cookies, then try reloading the webpage.
  3. Use the Chrome Cleanup Tool for Windows. There could be unwanted programs on your computer getting in the way of the webpage loading correctly.

    If you're a Windows user, use the Chrome Cleanup Tool to help find and remove these unwanted programs.

If the page doesn't load in another browser

If the webpage doesn't load in another browser, it's possible that the problem is either the site or your device. Learn more below.

Restart your device:

Sometimes, other programs or apps get in the way of a page loading correctly.
Shut your computer or mobile device down, then turn it back on and try loading the page again.
If the webpage didn't load in another browser, it could be a problem with the website. You can try two things to fix the problem:

Try another device or computer:

If the webpage didn't load in another browser, it could be a problem with your device.
Try another computer or mobile device to see if that fixes the problem. If this resolves the problem, you can try a few things to fix the problem on your original device:
  • Check your Internet connection.
  • Check for any available software updates.
If this doesn't fix the problem, post your problem in the Chrome Help Forum.

Still not working? Get more help for your problem in the Chrome Help Forum.





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