What languages are available in Skype Translator?



Currently supported for voice/video calls:

Portuguese (Brazil)

Currently supported for Instant Messages:

Skype currently supports 50 languages for Instant Messaging:

Microsoft Translator supports languages that cover more than 95% of worldwide gross domestic product (GDP)...and one language that is truly out of this world: Klingon.
ArabicEnglishHungarianMalaySerbian (Latin)Welsh
Bosnian (Latin)EstonianIndonesianMalteseSlovakYucatec Maya
Chinese SimplifiedGermanKiswahiliPolishSwedish
Chinese TraditionalGreekKlingonPortugueseThai
CroatianHaitian CreoleKlingon (plqaD)Queretaro OtomiTurkish
DutchHmong DawLithuanianSerbian (Cyrillic)Vietnamese
We would like to thank our community partners for their support in development of translation systems for the following languages: Hmong, Kiswahili, Latvian, Queretaro Otomi, Urdu, Welsh, Yucatec Maya, and Klingon. Click here to learn more about our community partners.
We add new languages periodically. In the process of adding a new language to Microsoft Translator, the most important learning material is existing high-quality translations—the same text in two languages. A significant amount, typically 1+ million words of text, is needed to build a reasonable-quality machine translation system for a particular language pair. Find out how automatic translation works.
Skype offers free use of the Microsoft Translator Hub to users who have access to parallel documents, or to a community committed to adding a new language. Several languages, including Hmong and Welsh, have been added to the Microsoft Translator service by using the Hub. Watch the Microsoft Translator Hub and the Hmong community video.


We currently support 50 languages for Instant Messaging. You can find the full list here.
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